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How to Fix Black Screen Issues on YouTube TV?

YouTube TV is the leading cable-free service providing 85+ Networks all over the United States and Canada. YouTube TV operates under Google Inc. (Formerly Alphabet Inc.) providing a huge network and chains of different channels and programs covering most of the regions in North America.

While there are huge benefits of using YouTube TV, there are some major issues customers face while using the YouTube TV whether it’s on the TV or any smart Device.

Here are some major technical issues

  • Getting a Black screen on YouTube TV
  • YouTube TV Playback error
  • YouTube TV app crashing on the TV
  • Buffering issue on YouTube TV

While it depends on various factors and circumstances why one sees getting a black screen on the YouTube TV app, it is annoying sometimes when you are watching your favorite show or an important match and a black screen appears out of nowhere on the TV, most of the times and restart of the tv can help but if it occurs frequently its time to do some checks and make some changes.

YouTube TV works on almost all smart devices at your home including TVs, computers, iPads, phones, and tablets. Different solutions are depending on the device one is using to watch YouTube TV.

The first thing is to check if your internet is working fine, sometimes there is a circular buffer seems like YouTube TV is showing a black screen on the TV can be caused by the internet not working properly or due to slow internet speed if this is the case Contact your internet service provider (ISP) and inform them about it.

YouTube TV shows black screens on TV

Here are a few steps to fix the black screen issue on YouTube TV depending on the brand of the TV one is using:

  1. While using a smart TV:
  2. Select the YouTube TV icon.
  3. Hold it down for 3 seconds
  4. Click on Uninstall the app
  5. Reinstall the app from the application store
  6. Go to tv.youtube.com/start on a computer or phone browser
  7. Enter the code and activate.

If the problem persists, look for the app update. Outdated versions of the app can create Different issues, it also cause the crashing of the app unexpectedly.

While using a streaming device

While using a streaming device

Get YouTube TV black screen error on Firestick

  • Press the home button on the Firestick controller
  • Click on the top right of the settings
  • Select the applications and click on “Manage Installed applications”
  • Select YouTube tv
  • Click on Clear Cache and clear the data
  • Go to “YouTube TV”
  • Visit tv.youtube.com/start
  • Enter the code and activate

Getting a YouTube TV black screen error on Roku

  • Select the YouTube TV application
  • click the “options” button on the Roku remote
  • Select “Clear Data” and “Clear Cache”
  • Open “The YouTube TV” application
  • Go to tv.youtube.com/start on a computer or phone browser
  • Enter the code and activate

*Options may differ for different TVs depending on the make of TVs and models.

YouTube TV Black Screen Issue on Computer

If you are using a computer and there is a black screen on YouTube TV Run some checks:

•  Check the browser: YouTube TV works on the majority of all browsers, try to log in with a different browser and verify if it works, reset the browser, and check for updates.

•  Internet speed checking: Slow-speed internet causes a lot of black screens and buffering issues on the YouTube TV, check if any other tab or window is using the internet speed, you can visit the speed test on www.speedtest.net.

•  Check for plugins and extensions: Some plugins are required to play the videos on the browser for YouTube TV, most of the time there are some errors displayed when the required plugin is not available but can also cause a black screen, check for an adblocker extension on the browser, which generally helps to skip the commercials but causes an error on the YouTube Tv website, hence can display the black screen.

•  Checking for potential threats: Run a complete security scan on the computer for viruses and malware and verify that no program is harming the device, it’s not only needed for YouTube TV but for the safety of the device and data.

Also Read: Cancel YouTube TV Subscription